Canary Release是什么

in 姑妄言之 with 1 comment

偶然在国外某软件中见到了Canary releasing这个词,国内没有找到对应的翻译。去维基上翻了翻:

Canary releasing comes from the history of “miner’s canary”. Canaries were once regularly used in coal mining as an early warning system. Toxic gases such as carbon monoxide or methane in the mine would kill the bird before affecting the miners. Signs of distress from the bird indicated to the miners that conditions were unsafe.

Canary releasing来自 "矿工的金丝雀" 的历史故事。金丝雀曾经经常被用作煤矿开采的预警系统。矿井中的一氧化碳或甲烷等有毒气体会在影响矿工之前杀死这些金丝雀,矿工们会根据金丝雀的状态,判断矿井是否安全。


有点类似于我国的拿着蜡烛下地窖,用蜡烛判断环境是否安全的情况,所以意译成 "蜡烛版本" 更接地气

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